Friday, June 29, 2007

Toys or..?

I love these toy kitchen from Pottery barn kids, I wish I can have like them.. for me of course..!

The washing/drying machine.. lovely

Fridge and oven.. So cute with the pots and pans and toaster.

The sink.. What a lovely way to do the dishes.

Pink makes the world prettier, I wish I can paint everything in my life pink.. Including my eyes and brain..!

Nice words

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

I love Rocky Balboa..!
( quoted from the movie Rocky Balboa)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I want to go in a picnic.. i love picnics, and since I got married I maybe went on picnics only twice, since my husband doesn't like the outdoors much, and francly I don't like our weather much either. It's either too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer, and in between we have a few nice days in which we don't feel like going out (excuses I know)

Well , why don't you go with me on a picnic now? do you like this basket?

Or this one?

We can put this blanket anywhere and just have a good time sitting over it, eating, drinking and relaxing..

Maybe here?

Keep on dreaming rosy pink.. That's why this blog is named after your dreams..!

Monday, June 25, 2007

ِA day off

What would a mother do with a day off of her never ending job?..
Let's see.. First she would watch one of her Arabic movies which she enjoys and can't watch because of her almost 4 year old's constant interruption.. what she didn't expect is the movie being the most depressing movie the history of Arabic movies ever made!! And of course she had to finish it because it's so engaging. And she had to cry from start to finish because it's so sad and emotional.. as if she needs that now! talk about bad luck..!

So she tries doing something else, watching a music channel while painting a project, the movie channels are off limits when the kid is around , no need to explain why with all the x-rated video clips around, and I'm talking arabic songs! and the painting, well she can't do it with her around because it won't be enjoyable since she has to watch over the kid's brush and where does it go ( probably on the paper and the area around that!) And she ends up doing the bird house she wanted doing for a long time..

Well then the father wakes up from his after work nap and wants some of the mother day off to himself, well at least to finish watching the third season of lost, which is something the mother enjoys doing and very eager to know what will happen to those lost people on the weird island, so they watch three episodes, which leads them to the end of the day off without the mom doing a lot of the things she wanted to do ALL ALONE ..!Beside it being three depressing episodes with characters dying and such..

So the day ends with them picking the kid from her grandmother's house, picking up some food to go, sleeping while making the kid go to sleep and that's the end of the day..

To tell the truth , the mom enjoyed her half day, but next time inshallah there will be no sad movie, and no three-time-consuming-episodes of lost.. Next time will be all me and all by myself.. I wanna be all by myself for some time, even if it gets boring and I missed the kiddo.. Oops did I say I? I meant she , the mom...!

And she lived happily ever after.. The end

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Drinking water

I know how important it is to drink water, especially in this hot weather, that's why I keep a bottle of water on my desk to sip from it every now and then.

I got my daughter a small bottle with Disney's princesses on it, and she liked drinking from it too, but then one day in Debenhams, I saw this..( the one with the princesses is her old bottle)

I just couldn't resist this cuteness, to tell the truth I wanted to get it for myself, but I knew that we were going to fight over it, and it doesn't look good to my mommy image to fight my almost 4 year old over a toy! So I gave it to her..

Just look at the detailed bottle that looks exactly like the bigger one we have...

So she is very happy with it, drinking every few seconds mashallah, and I'm happy looking at it in my crafts room.
Now if I can only get me a real sized one just like it .. hmmm!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

How to use your buttons

Well I got this issue of adorn magazine , and I loved the article about ways to use buttons. I like collecting button and don't know what to do with them other than use them in my bags. So these ideas are great I thought I'd share them with you.

The shirt looks nice..

Nice earing, if they were shorter..

I just love this bag, and the socks and the shoes..

So hopefully you will have a good idea to use what buttons you have.. I know I did.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Those were the days

When they made good toys..

Remember these?

And I loved this cartoon..

Ahhh, to be a kid again..

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A great day

Yesterday we had one of the best days that a person can have mashallah, mom and my kid and I went to visit our friend's house ( the mom is mom's old time friend , the daughter is my childhood friend, and her kids go very well with my daughter so it's a win win win situation when we are together) and we went swimming in her compound swimming pool , it was very fun with all the kids and moms and grand moms together,especialy in the hot weather, and after a long time without swimming. we had the best times.

Then we continues our time in her house with the youngest of the kids playing upstairs and the baby mostly in my arms ( gosh I love the feeling of tiny babies mashallah and this one is so cute) , us mothers spent the time talking, laughing and snacking.. I really had a very good time , a relaxed and fun time.

We also played and laughed at their three little kittens, they are lovely mashallah and sleep in the most funny ways.

Well all I can say is thanks to Allah for friends, life is a much better place with them.(below is an old picture of me and my friend taken in the same age as our kid's photo above, do we look similar?)

Monday, June 18, 2007


Every where you look you see colors.. Thanks to Allah for colors..

In fabric..

In buttons..

In towels..

In wool threads..

In flowers..

Again the pictures are from different places from the net.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


The joy of sewing.. This cake is for all of you sewing lovers.. May we spend the best of times with our cooperative sewing machines.

The joy of hand bags.. A woman can't have enough of them, or for my case ,can't make enough ;)

The joy of colors.. Without colors life would be boring, colors give joy to every days life and simple objects. And to a crafter, color is a must.

( the cakes pictures are from all over the net, if it is yours sorry I can't remember where did I get it from)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Three little orphans

My mom have three little orphans in her house, my uncle found them trapped in his back yard storage room with their mom, and she died just after he found her and her babies, so he took them and took care of them for a while then gave them to mom, they are so cute, still have their eyes closed and can't walk right or drink milk on their own ..

Oh I forgot to say they are kittens..!

Yesterday we went there to see them and they were tiny, sleeping together in a small shoe box all over each other, they don't even have a sound. They were mostly sleeping but kept waking up on the sound of my girl playing with the box and shouting over their heads.

I took a turn feeding them milk with an eye dropper and it felt good..

Poor little kittens, losing their mom so early..

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Updates on the birds

So the windows are cleaned and I can take better pictures of the birds, we've been waiting for them to come and every time they do they run a way as soon as we come near the window, but this little fellow seems to be so hungry he doesn't mind us watching and taking pictures, my kid is having a good time watching him eating..

About the bags, I had to have two more because, hmmm, because I liked the color combinations.. with blues and greens .

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tweet tweet

I have a window in my crafts room where every day all the little birds in the area gather there running away from the sun and the heat, and each day I feel sorry for them and want to give them some food and water, so one day when I went to the supermarket I got them a pack of bird seeds, and that day I put some on th area out my window ( don't know what to call it!) and waited with my girl to see happy birds..

We waited the whole day, and the next and not even one bird came, I felt bad because I got them food and they didn't want it, So this morning I was so happy to see birds eating what's left of the seeds (It was windy the other night) and I had to take a picture..

I discovered how ugly the window looked with all that dirt over it (it was rainy -sandy -rainy for some time plus I didn't clean it for a while!) so I waited for the birds to leave and cleaned what I can from the window, it looks great now but whenever birds come and I try to take a picture they fly away, now that the window is clean they can see me better (our window is like a mirror from the outside during the day) So when I had a clean window I had no picture...Shame.

Well the picture above is actually a bird eating the seeds, even if you can't see it well imagine it there..!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Bean bag

That was beans and bags not a bean bag..

Well I had all my bags quilted finally, and ready o assemble.

I really don't know if the hard work is done or is still to come. Anyways however hard it is it's still fun to do when I'm in the mood, and looks like mashallah I'm in the mood.. Just hope I stay there.

And my beans are all bigger and taller mashallah and I can see their leaves. I

like looking at them every morning to see how much they grew from last night, and my kid loves them too. And it reads.. Mom is giving, don't stop dreaming, laughter is the key to soul and regret washes the soul, this I didn't understand! Anyways it was fun waiting for the saying in the bean..

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Movies, Tv and shopping

Nothing in common between all three.

Did you see Shrek the third? I wasn't expecting it to be good from what I saw in the trailer, but I actually liked it, it was the first third part of a movie this year that I liked as much as I did the first two.

I just thought I'd show you this picture of my kid's shrek and fiona and donkey toys, she didn't see the movie but somehow liked all three of them.

And on tv, we are behind on our third season of desperate housewives, we just downloaded and watched episodes 16 to 19 the last couple of days, and boy do I hate this show.. I hate because I like it so much..!

I mean everything is perfect, even the moments of pain and crime seems good and nice and not as painful as real life is. The desperate housewives don't look so desperate, the houses are always spotless and perfectly decorated.. The relationships of everyone looks nice and fun and romantic as if there is such things in real life. And still I like the show..Like I used to love Beverly hills 90210 before..

So do you like grocery shopping? or you don't do it yourselves? Well I used to like grocery shopping when I used to do it on my own, take my time, walk by every shelf and sniff the shampoos and soaps. I always end up with many things I don't need and forget a few that I do. I refuse to have a list don't ask me why, I feel that if I go and see everything they are selling in the supermarket I have to remember everything that I need, right? not always. And my husband keeps bugging me about that.

So I stopped liking grocery shopping while with him , we have to do it fast and I have to have a list that states everything we need.. No fun. But yesterday he left me and the kiddo in the supermarket to shop while he went to fix his computer, and I didn't mind that at all..

It was peaceful and even the struggles with my girl wasn't as bad I found her a small trolley and she shared the experience of shopping, it was nice.. But still I prefer that we wouldn't need to shop.. Maybe order by phone?

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Planting a bean

Not any bean, a giant magical beanstalk..!
Well I got these cute cans than when you open them they contain a bean to grow, all you need is water, sun and a cool place, and when they grow you can read what's written on them. My uncle is managing his kids toys store and he sell these, I liked the idea of the cans so I bought 4 of them, and now after a week all four beans are up and I can almost read the notes on them. My daughter keeps looking at them every once in a while and today she wanted to take them out herself...! So inpatient I wonder where she gets it from ( whistles innocently)

Any ways, aside from the beans I have nothing to say, unless you are in the mood for some whining and a lot of complaining which I'm sure you aren't!

So see you when I have something better to say, have a nice week.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Missing my artisitic side

I feel like I don't do crafty things anymore, even sewing, I have many thing which I have to finish and yet I'm not working on them.. I think maybe it's a mood thing.

Anyways, when my cousin married moonface I made them a gift basket, which sadly got stolen from their car soon after she received it. Well the other day she was asking me what was in it, you see she didn't have the chance to open and enjoy it, so since I want to remind me of how good it was when creating, and wanting her to see what I got her ( don't feel sad I might make you another one some day) So here they are.
The basket..

A cup and coaster cross stitched set..

Shower gel and bath bubblle with cross stitched labels..

Sachets of soap and dried flowers..

The card..

I enjoyed making them and felt sad when they were stolen, some people are just bad.. But it's ok at least I had a picture to share.