Thursday, February 28, 2008

Circle of friends..

We all need them , old or young..
Real or toys..

( That's how my kid made her toys sleep that night, joined together for support )

Thanks my friends for being there in my life ..

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My newest project

I started this last night, just to have something to do..

I don't even know what am I gonna do with it. And didn't have any fabric to work with, I almost cut through an old bed sheet, but found some scraps of fabric left from when we sew the table cloth long time ago.
It's half way finished..

Maybe next post will be the finished thing, or maybe not.

Friday, February 22, 2008

I wanna be there right now..

I just wish I can run away from everything, some times I just feel so tired..

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just checking with blogger..

If this is working then you can see what new thing I tried lately, I've always seen paper bag albums around the net but never tried them, then one day, as you know, I was bored of sewing so I thought why not give it a go?

Here it is before embellishing,


And here is the cover of the album all dressed up..

I got the instruction from one site ( I can't remember which) ans I put some of my mom's old pictures in there, maybe later I would share some of the pages inside, it really turned out to be a fun project.

I'm still having trouble with my photo sharing site blockage, turned out to be from our internet provider, hopefully we will fix it soon, either by changing the provider or them changing their attitude.

Monday, February 18, 2008


Stupid people blocking photo sharing sites AGAIN!!!!!!!!
I wanna immigrate to another planet. I hate every thing at this minute.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update: we are not sure but seem to be only our internet provider that is somehow blocking the site, still checking with other people we know..

Friday, February 15, 2008

Meet hope..

She is my hope for a better future, a happier time where all I can feel is calm and secure.
She is what keeps me sane in an otherwise insane time..
She represents all the pleasures of crafting , all the therapy in making and finding joy in the smallest thing..
Not that she is that small..!

Well it started in a very dark night , and a darker mood, and in stead of sleeping, eating , crying or doing all three, I decided to hope for a creative evening, and there came hope.
That's what I called the doll in case you still can't figure it out..!

The pattern I got from an old book my dear uncle gave me when I was , I don't know, 12 maybe? and I used it only once, but I always admired all the toys in it.
So I just started making the doll, and after all the hurt fingers, the tears of frustration and the silent curses, I finally finished it a day later.

My girl loves it and claimed it to be hers, she even called it Batool, I still call it hope.
Her arms are always opened in a welcoming way , and I just had a thought that maybe she is like that because I sewed her arms upside down..! Or maybe she is welcoming me to visit a happier place where I can find a happier me... I prefer the second thought...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The powder room that is not yet finished,

But will still be left unfinished..
I just thought I'd show you some over all picture of the guest toilet I mentioned a few months ago..

The one with all the stenciling..

The one that has been used for only a short time...

Do I sound sad to you? well I didn't mean to .

Monday, February 04, 2008

Thank you..

For everyone who gave me his or her kind words of encouragement and prayers, even if I might not want to talk much right now, I know that I have many caring people around me and I'm thankful for that.

Everything seems like watching a movie, or reading someone else's story not mine , and I'm still not totally well adjusted to it all, but life goes on.. And hopefully it won't take much time before I'm feeling good again..

Until then, I wish every one would remember me in their prayers for more strength and faith...

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Unnecessary project in a hard time..

It all started with a template from this blog...

Cut some peices from this supposedly cheerful patterned paper..

After all 20 parts got cut and scored...

I tried to glue the pieces together, of the project and of my falling apart life...

I just wish I can do a good job with my life as I did with that cute looking thing..

Wish me luck.. I need it.