So last year we did the gathering of friends and their kids and each mom did a box or basket filled with treats to each kid, it was tiring, and took a lot of money and the kids ended up eating the sweets and throwing away all the decorations and some of the nuts..
So this year it was decided to change that and do it the original traditional way.. It's somehow like trick or treat, kids go around the houses and the neighborhood singing a certain song to get treats, usually its a mix of nuts and maybe some sweets and some money..
Each mom got the candies and sweets kids love and put them in containers in front of her, and the kids arranged in a line by age from youngest to eldest, passed by each one with a bag in his/her hands trying to sing the song and taking the sweets.
I t was a hit, even the moms were happy after the kids finished cuz we got to fight for the leftovers and act silly with the candies.
My girl and my friend's kids were dressed in the Indian outfits she got them from India, they looked adorable mashallah especially the smallest one..
And other kids were in traditional Saudi outfits, but even those who were dressed casually had a great time.
We had about 30 kids mashallah, and it was a bit crazy.. but after a while we had a mom/kid dancing games and went childish with the kids..
And still had a mommies only time that was quiet and filled with nice talks.
So next year inshallah we will go with the traditional style again, it was more fun.
And now for the subject of the 300 post.. well I didn't plan anything yet for that occasion.. I had a somehow busy week and I wasn't feeling well for some time, but I will probably have a draw for some kind of a cool prize.. or something lol.. maybe on my next post..
till then have a nice time.