Another week is begening, and another week has ended. We went to Bahrain for the movies this weekend, we watched three movies in one day! well it's not the first time we did that but the funny thing is that the three movies seemed to be for one life in three different stages, meaning the first we watched ( love wrecked) was for teenagers loving each other, the second ( the break -up) was for adults living in together having problems, the third ( click) was about a family with two kids and the family life. well three stages of life. The movies were nice , we had lunch at johny rockets( which I keep calling johny bullets dunno why ) we did some shopping and alot of walking we came home exhausted. on friday my husband was having a chess tournament, he did well he still have a second day next friday.
I made myself a wallet from felt, rikrak and fabric to go with my bag, it looks a bit funny I made some mistakes with it, but hey it's my first one I'm learning things with every project, and I'm seriously thinking of making the Eid gifts myself, I should start right away Eid is only one and a half month away and I have lots of gifts to make. ( btw Eid is the muslim's holidays in case you never heard of it)
We are thinking of re painting the living/dining area on the ground floor. After we go and visit the furnishing store ( the one ) we always end up hating our house, we love color and the modern style that is a mix of colors and textures with old stuff and some ethnic accecories. This particular store makes us want to change our decor everytime we go there, it's all us.. our style with a price tag that's not ours!! but we like to go there for inspiration, and this time we are inspired we should re paint, buy new sofas and chairs, and maybe live somewhere else..! no really we love our home but the colors could need some changing. maybe one of these days after the months of ramadhan and eid are finished with all the travelling and visiting we'll be doing.
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