So starting with trees.. I loved the looks of citrus trees every where in the island, lovely shape , filled with oranges or lemons with lots of the fruits falling every where and no one is picking them, I wonder why..
I loved all sorts of trees in general, it makes every thing looks fresh and lovely.. My best tree was the one with all the purple flowers all over it, I don't know it's name but I've already seen it in Abha and fell in love with it, it even looks lovelier here..
Flowers too, I didn't see much flowers there like I usually see in other European countries, but still spring was obviously in the air..
And who can resist small cats playing in the sun or under the trees? not me I just love cats and kittens..
As for dogs.. I don't like them much but they look so cute sometimes in other people's side. we saw many shapes and kinds of them and my daughter kept pointing at every one we see, but this cute one was big and fluffy and it's owner liked the idea of us taking pictures of him so he put him on the trolley he was pushing for us to have a good picture, nice.
تجنن البسة ولو انه وجهها مو بين زي الناس بس طعومة
مرة مرة كلب عجيب!!.. ولوجي تجنن بقعدتها هاديك ما شاء الله...
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