So my aunt asked me to make something to put chocolates in and give to their visitors, I had to wait for the last minute to know if it was a boy or a girl, and that's what it looks like
Still no chocolates in them I have to go buy some, these days are super crazy busy for me and my husband doesn't like it much when we have to go places to get things ( you see women don't drive here and that's what we get most of the times we need things that are not important in their opinion..)
Anyways I made around forty of them and I had to use what I got because again, my husband wasn't really in the mood to take me.
So I just hope they like it, and I hope I can finish the one hundred and two things I have for these coming days without me losing my head..!
تجنن حلوين اكيد حتعجبهم كلك زوووووق
jazaki allahu khayran it was really nice of you..dont worry I called saadedine and they delivered some lovely blue foiled chocolates that had on each a sticker with a baby and the words ITS a BOY on them :)
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