I still got 5 names outlined and waiting to be filled with different colors. A color for each princess name.
So after that would be to paint the walls inshallah with pink, and then maybe a border of some kind. We'll see as we go on.
I used large plastic letters meant for scrap booking or card making to outline all the names and using crafts paint to fill them in. It's a very painful project on the arms and legs and neck, but I have a really strong affection towards hard projects.. !
مشالله حلوة الكتابات
بس فين لقيتي بلاستيك الحروف الكبيرة ؟؟
تسلم ايدك نستنى التكملة
Wow mashalla tislam alayady very nice...
From the looks of it I bet this will be the best room you've painted so far!!
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