So after the initial all night without sleep crying from pain , then the doctor appointment then the first cry to take the medicine she is doing much better 7amdillah..
Kids want their parents to play with them.. I don't do play! But I know something I am really good at and she likes , crafting.
So I got her some poster paint and she enjoyed coloring for a while, before she started asking for my participation... Ouch.. So I said ok let's go to my room and scrapbook a little.
She had an old cardboard book for when she was little, she didn't want it because it reminded her of our old life ( her words ) and I thought throwing it is not a good thing to do, the solution? alter it..
This is how it started with..
After a few patterned and solid papers, a magazine and a printed drawing of a little girl and her clothes, we got this..
Plus a very happy recovering kid.. mashallah she really loves crafts.. Just like her mama ;)
And speaking of her mama.. I can't seem to have enough of anything pink, that's why i got this..
When in real life I already have two!! But a pink glue gun, who can resist that? certainly not me..
Something else I couldn't resist, and I am probably going back for more...
It's a double sided glue tape dispenser, I got similar ones from Bahrain's scrapbooking store for nearly 20 ryals.. this one I got from a place called mishwar in Khobar (downtown) for 5 ryals... WOW. And it works pretty good.. Let's just hope they have more than the two I got , my kid claimed one as hers...
ماشالله حركات طالعه لأمها فنانة
بالله دا الشي يبيعوه في مشوار شكلي بشتري منه في يوم من الأيام مرة عملي
نسيت اقلك سلامات عليها ماتشوف شر
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