Saturday, January 24, 2009

Some news update...

Hi, I'm back in less than a month, can u believe that? it's a miracle, I think it's only because I am banned from my laptop by my doctor, nothing major i only have some dizziness and nausea from a neck stiffness made worst from my laptop...Who cares..:P

Anyways I am better now 7amdillah.. Little.. But my kid is very feverish and feeling bad, it happens a lot in winter these days, we weren't like that as kids.. were we?
And my poor grandfather is in the hospital , wish he gets better soon.

So the news are :

I found the best place i want to live in ... It has all the good places near by.. don't believe me? check this sign...

And I am gonna open my own gift shop.. everything is ready for the grand opening.. Have a look..

It's gonna be a great place , I have a feeling..
So stop by for a visit, I already had the shop advertised ....

So what do u think of my news?
If u like it u might like to visit this site....

And I am not sure I can be here by tomorrow, but I would wanna say something...

Wish u the best day and year mom..

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