Sunday, April 12, 2009

What do you think??

Do you like / dislike/ didn't notice / don't care about, the new blog look?

I just was a bit bored of the older look, couldn't change the pink color under the header, but over all I think it looks a lot cozier now lol

So welcome my friends, kick off your shoes, make yourself at home and enjoy your visit :)


moonface1211 said...

وااااااااو روعه اللوك الجديد
تفكري زيي انا بدي اغير اللوك كمان تبعي بس مرة نسيت كيف الطريقة
كيف عملتي الخلفية الي ورا البلق مرة رهيبة ماشالله

Redrose said...

yummy....roses my favorite....