Tuesday, December 25, 2007

It's getting really cold here

Of course when I say cold I mean cold to us, compared to the very hot weather we usually have, I don't mean snowy cold or something like that, but still it is considered cold..(by the way it's not that dark my picture makes it look so)

Anyways it's cloudy today but still no rain, it just looks nice from inside the house where I think it's colder than it is outside ( 19 degrees ) ..

What I really wish for these days is a fireplace, I think it will be so lovely sitting in front of a fireplace all snuggled on some fluffy pillows, while under warm blanket drinking hot chocolate.. Sounds dreamy.

I want to go to sleep, I think I'm hibernating or something..

1 comment:

moonface1211 said...

مرة سار برد
الله يستر من البرد الجي شهيتني على الشوكلاته الحارة\