Friday, November 16, 2007

Four amazing years

At the age of 13 days

At her first birthday

At the age of two

At her third birthday

A month before she's four years old

Happy 4th Birthday (tomorrow) our little princess, we love you more than anything in the whole wide world, you are the most precious gift Allah gave us and I am thankful every day that you are a part of our life...

From the first day you were born you have been a special girl, and even though sometimes I might not show it at all , I know how lucky I am that you are my little one..

May Allah keep you safe and happy for us.


moonface1211 said...

كل سنة ولوجي طيبة عقبال العمر كله
ماشالله لما تشوفي الصور تحسي الأيام مرت بسرعه آخر صورة مرة حلوة مبيته فيها انها كبرت الله يخليها لك يارب

منوعات said...




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