Sunday, September 09, 2007

Young artist

Well first I would like to inform everyone that 7amdillah the water is all under control, everything is dry or drying now and there was no great damage to the things in the storage area.

And for those of you interested, here's my girl's second day of school... Big difference isn't it? but she did better , a tiny teeny bit better in the classroom with the other kids while me sitting in a chair very near to her. Improvement.

So I thought I'd share with you some of my kid's artistic drawings.. Mashallah she is good we were all amazed.
That's me..( I just managed to take the picture before all the teeth she drew in my big mouth.. She said I was smiling a toothy smile, but I'm not buying that.)

Her dad..

My grandma..

My uncle..

We missed the picture of her grandmother(mom) before we thought we would take pictures .


moonface1211 said...

ماشالله حلوة رسماتها بس صراحه الوش اول يوم وتاني فررررررررق ههههه شكلها ما كان لها خلق تصحى

Anonymous said...

ماشاء الله رسماتها من جد تشبهكم !!

Redrose said...

mashallah she adjusted quite well....